Task - Add a participant

Adding a participant

A participant can be added to a participant registry using either the API or the command line.

Before you start

Before you follow these steps, you must have modelled a participant in a Business Network Definition and deployed it as a Business Network.

The procedure below shows an example using the following model of a participant from the Getting Started walkthrough.

namespace net.biz.digitalPropertyNetwork

participant Person identified by personId {
  o String personId
  o String firstName
  o String lastName


  1. Add the participant to a participant registry

    • JavaScript API
    let businessNetworkConnection = /* TODO: get a business network connection */
        .then((participantRegistry) => {
            let factory = businessNetworkConnection.getFactory();
            let participant = factory.newInstance('net.biz.digitalPropertyNetwork', 'Person', 'mae@biznet.org');
            participant.firstName = 'Mae';
            participant.lastName = 'Smith';
            return participantRegistry.add(participant);
        .catch((error) => {
            // TODO: handle errors.
  • Command line

    composer participant add -n '@ibm/digitalproperty-network' -i admin -s Xurw3yU9zI0l -d '{"$class":"net.biz.digitalPropertyNetwork.Person","personId":"mae@biznet.org","firstName":"Mae","lastName":"Smith"}'