Fabric Composer Identity Revoke Command

composer identity revoke

The composer identity issue command revokes an existing identity from a participant in a participant registry. See the task Revoke an Identity from a Participant for a walkthrough of using this command or the API.


$ composer identity revoke
composer identity revoke [options]

  --help                       Show help  [boolean]
  --connectionProfileName, -p  The connection profile name  [string]
  --businessNetworkName, -n    The business network name  [string] [required]
  --enrollId, -i               The enrollment ID of the user  [string] [required]
  --enrollSecret, -s           The enrollment secret of the user  [string]
  --userId, -u                 The user ID of the identity to revoke  [string] [required]


--connectionProfileName, -p

The connection profile name.
Example: defaultProfile

--businessNetworkName, -n

The name of the deployed Business Network to connect to.
Example: digitalproperty-network

--enrollId, -i

The enrollment ID of the identity that should be used to connect to the deployed Business Network. Example: maeid1

--enrollSecret, -s

The enrollment secret of the identity that should be used to connect to deployed Business Network.
Example: Xurw3yU9zI0l

--userId, -u

The user ID of the existing identity that should be revoked.
Example: lennyid1