Getting Started with Fabric Composer

Getting Started with Fabric Composer

First check that your system has the required software (at the required versions) installed:

Supported Platforms

If you need to update or install anything please refer to the install guides:

Installing Prerequisites

Clone the Sample Applications repository

git clone

Install the Getting Started Application

cd sample-applications/
cd packages
cd getting-started
npm install

Run the Getting Started Application

Run the npm test command. You should see output as below.

npm test

daniels-mbp:getting-started dselman$ npm test

> getting-started@1.0.0 test /Users/dselman/dev/git/sample-applications/packages/getting-started
> mocha --recursive && npm run bootstrapAssets && npm run listAssets && npm run submitTransaction

    #sample test
      ✓ should pass

  1 passing (8ms)

> getting-started@1.0.0 bootstrapAssets /Users/dselman/dev/git/sample-applications/packages/getting-started
> node cli.js landregistry bootstrap

info: [Composer-GettingStarted] Fabric Composer: Getting Started appliation
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] Adding default land titles to the asset registry
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] LandRegistry:<init> businessNetworkDefinition obtained digitalproperty-network@0.0.1
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] LandRegistry:_bootstrapTitles getting asset registry for ""
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] about to get asset registry
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] LandRegistry:_bootstrapTitles got asset registry
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] LandRegistry:_bootstrapTitles getting factory and adding assets
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] LandRegistry:_bootstrapTitles Creating a person
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] LandRegistry:_bootstrapTitles Creating a land title#1
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] LandRegistry:_bootstrapTitles Creating a land title#2
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] LandRegistry:_bootstrapTitles Adding these to the registry
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] Default titles added
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] Command completed successfully.

> getting-started@1.0.0 listAssets /Users/dselman/dev/git/sample-applications/packages/getting-started
> node cli.js landregistry list

info: [Composer-GettingStarted] Fabric Composer: Getting Started appliation
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] LandRegistry:<init> businessNetworkDefinition obtained digitalproperty-network@0.0.1
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] listTitles Getting the asset registry
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] listTitles Getting all assest from the registry.
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] listTitles Current Land Titles
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] Titles listed
info: [Composer-GettingStarted]
│ TitleID  │ OwnerID        │ First Name │ Surname │ Description                 │ ForSale │
│ LID:6789 │ PID:1234567890 │ Fred       │ Bloggs  │ A small flat in the city    │ No      │
│ LID:1148 │ PID:1234567890 │ Fred       │ Bloggs  │ A nice house in the country │ No      │
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] Command completed successfully.

> getting-started@1.0.0 submitTransaction /Users/dselman/dev/git/sample-applications/packages/getting-started
> node cli.js landregistry submit && node cli.js landregistry list

info: [Composer-GettingStarted] Fabric Composer: Getting Started appliation
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] LandRegistry:<init> businessNetworkDefinition obtained digitalproperty-network@0.0.1
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] updateForSale Getting assest from the registry.
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] updateForSale Submitting transaction
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] Transaction Submitted
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] Command completed successfully.
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] Fabric Composer: Getting Started appliation
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] LandRegistry:<init> businessNetworkDefinition obtained digitalproperty-network@0.0.1
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] listTitles Getting the asset registry
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] listTitles Getting all assest from the registry.
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] listTitles Current Land Titles
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] Titles listed
info: [Composer-GettingStarted]
│ TitleID  │ OwnerID        │ First Name │ Surname │ Description                 │ ForSale │
│ LID:6789 │ PID:1234567890 │ Fred       │ Bloggs  │ A small flat in the city    │ No      │
│ LID:1148 │ PID:1234567890 │ Fred       │ Bloggs  │ A nice house in the country │ Yes     │
info: [Composer-GettingStarted] Command completed successfully.

Next Steps

Command Line Usage

Generate a REST API

Generate a Node.js App

Coding a Business Network Definition